Monday, 24 September 2012

PPP - Inconvenince #2001

An inconvenience occurs when people at my faculty fill out only one language version. What happens is that nothing appears on their online profile. When the second language version is filled out the content appears. 

So please fill out both language versions in order to see your information online!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

PPPP - Number 4

In my desperate attempt to follow up on the implementation of the personal profile pages until the end of the year I ran into another obstacle. Profiles that are activated, set on published, checked on showing their information outside MyUM and filled with information don’t show up when I link to them. It is not the case as the link does not work! Only some profiles are affected while others are not!

I try to see if there is an pattern but could not see any correlations between the profiles which would point to the causes of the error. Please have a look at the links to the following profile pages:


Leading in Learning Proposals send off

In short, it is a major attempt to solve minor needs in doing todays job with yesterday’s tools. The entire personal profile page system – like GX in general - is an expansive attempt to instill nostalgic feelings in its users by reminding them of a past that never happened. The user experience is similar to the one that user had in the early 90s. The problems I report are no small errors. They are major drawbacks intrinsic to the system. While the workflow is simple many technical errors remain to be solved. The entire project was talked about in the first web content coordinator’s meeting I participated in. This was two years ago.
Two important jobs are accomplished and something to share with you a few words ahead. Speak as I may see you! And so Tutorcloud and ItunesU proposals have been successfully send. Have fun reading them

Thursday, 13 September 2012

PPPP - The third


The causes I can only judge by showing you the effects. If you go to the GX page Profile Page Test pagina (SBE>SBE_EVENTSACTIVITIES_FLOATINGPAGES>Profile Page Test pagina); The page number is: 4763657 I placed the Profile Overview several times with different filter settings. The result is that when I filter by two child departments (general economics 1 and general economics 2) as I did in the last element all entries are doubled. When I filter by only one department the result is ok. My expectation is that when I use the filter criteria “Department” that includes two entries (department 1 & department 2) I would get the sum total of the two entries as output. Now I get every entry from the department 1 doubled with one link to the profile page not working. And in addition to this some profiles’ s link don’t work at all as you can see yourself when you check out this page.

I checked the profiles (ZIESEMER) in MyUM and also in the GX profile manager and could NOT find any setting that would indicate to me the malfunction.

It seems that this error is connected to the error I got over one and a half month ago and reported. The error was that the parent department (school of business and economics) suddenly disappeared. But this is just an intuition. Anyhow I hope you find a solution to this issue which is not pertinent but shows the full spectrum of disservices the new service comes equipped with.

Please let me know if you have any further questions. I cannot supply any screenshots this time because I think it is best if you see the same page as I do.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Important: Upcoming GX Training and Refresh Sessions

Inloopsessies GX Webmanager door FB

Regelmatig merken we dat er behoefte is aan kennisverdieping en extra informatie over specifieke functionaliteit in GX WebManager.
Om aan die behoefte tegemoet te komen organiseren we regelmatig inloopsessies.

De inloopsessie zien er als volgt uit:

van 9.00 – 10.00 uur geven we een korte presentatie over een van tevoren vastgesteld en bekendgemaakt onderwerp, waarbij uiteraard ook gelegenheid is om vragen te stellen,

van 10.30 -12.00 uur is “vrije inloop”, met de mogelijkheid om specifieke of algemene vragen over GX WebManager te stellen.

Onderwerpen die aan de orde kunnen komen tijdens de presentaties zijn:
inzetten, gebruik van- en de verschillende soorten inzetten, mediabanklijsten en/of mediabankoverzichten, overerving en templates, pagecollections.

Natuurlijk horen we graag welke andere onderwerpen jullie behandeld zouden willen zien.

De volgende inloopdagen zijn gepland:

25 september 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van mediabankartikelen in mediabanklijsten en overzichten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop

20 november 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van inzetten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop

Rooster Basistrainingen GX Webmanager 2012 

De Basistrainingen GX vinden plaats op de volgende data:
  • Dinsdag 11 september 2012 9.00 - 13.00 uur Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 1.229 (eerste etage) 
  • Donderdag 11 oktober 2012 9.00 - 13.00 uur Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 1.229 (eerste etage) 
  •  Donderdag 15 november 2012 9.00 - 13.00 uur Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 1.229 (eerste etage) 
  •  Dinsdag 4 december 2012 9.00 - 13.00 uur Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 1.229 (eerste etage)

PPPP - The second

And another one:

I have a related problem with displaying member profiles of a certain “Type of Employee”. (please see: filter.png) 

In the Profile Overview element I can select between different choices: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Dean, Director,…. With no result. Regardless of my filter choice the output is non. Unlike filtering by Department which results in the problem explained in my previous mail I don’t understand this problem.

When I create a profile I cannot choose between the fields the Profile Overview element allows me to filter the results. (please see source.png)

 So my question is as following: Where do I set the “Type of Employee” in the profile page in my UM? Or to ask the question in another way: Where do I in the “Type of Employee” information in the profile so that I can use the filter of the Profile Overview element in a correct way?

Personal Profile Pages Problems - PPPP

The UM wide personal profiles are activated and filled. So they can be embedded onto the website if there would not be this problem I reported to ICTS today:

The following problem occurs when I try to display the personal profiles on a page. Please see picture (backen.png) 

to see my adjustments in GX. I created an empty page and placed the Personal Profile element into it. From the list of departments I selected “School of Business and Economics” and got the following result.(please see picture: frontend.png). 

The same problem occurs when I select another department f.e. “General Economics” which results in an incomplete list. I do see all profiles in the Personal Profiles Box when I select this department. (plese see picture: ppmodule.png).
I have up to now almost 400 profiles activated and would like to display them on the frontpage of SBE’s website. This is possible for child departments like “General Economics 1”which is a child of “General Economics” which in turn is a child of “School of Business and Economics” but does not work for the mothers or daddies (in this case “Economics” and “School of Business and Eocnomics”). Do you have a solution for this problem?

The second problem I encounter is an individual profile page as it is displayed outside MyUM. (Please see picture: outpp.png) 

The right hand side bar displays old news and links which I would like to not show. Any idea on how to change this?

Thank you all for reading this post! And hail GX!