Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Notice: Imoved

For all who are looking for me in the cave I have bad news. I am not there anymore but now moved the ladder of success upwards into one of SBE's penthouses. So please see me in the future @ D3.10.

And by came an angel, who had a bright key,
And he opened the coffins, and set them all free;
Then down a green plain, leaping, laughing, they run
And wash in a river, and shine in the sun.
<William Blake>

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

GX problem #5 #6 #7 22.11

Dear Servicedesk,

This is series of requests that I am going to issue the weeks to come. As remarked earlier I will write one email each. It concerns problems or challenges while in GX if not stated otherwise.

  1. I just came across an rather serious error in GX. Joanna from METEOR publishes an Agenda Item that contains a seminar. The seminar happens today but does not show up on the designated website. I fetch it using the MEDIA OVERVIEW on an otherwise empty page. The terms by which it filters the Media Repository Items are correct, Publication Date and Expiration Date is also correct and everything looks fine. But it does not show up on the correct page. Surprisingly when clicking on "More events" it suddenly does show up there. An experiment reveals the error. When I change the Start date of the seminar in question it shows up correctly on the page I want it to show up. It would be logical if changes to the Expiration Date would alter the visibility of the Agenda Item but this has no effect. The Item only shows up when I change the actual start date of the seminar regardless of the content of the expiration date.This is a serious error. It means that in order to display an Agenda Item using the MEDIA OVERVIEW one has to accept that events which happen today do not show up there. They do show up in the general AGENDA page (the one you arrive when clicking on "More events")
  2. I already mentioned this error on my blog here. And today I checked if the problem still exists. And the answer is yes. The media list items presentation mode “Brandingblock” delivers no satisfying result.
  3. I hope not to swamp you with my GX error tickets via the Servicedesk too throughout Alice’s rabbit hole. But I have some time and the bugs are really annoying. Here I have some more point I want to summarize in one mail rather than send more. As for the upcoming training in December 16, I want to register one person: XXXXXXXX As for the bug report on GX I must admit I have been a bit lazy but managed to make three snapshots of crashes, one with IE09 and the other with IE07 render engine. Attached you find the screenshots from which you can also see the date and time of the incident. I also checked Andres homework and its fine. But please wait before we can meet to think about the workflow model and the limitations I can apply to future users.
    Regarding the Workflow model in GX and how to apply it I would like to meet with you in person to discuss it. Please let me know when you have time to sit over a coffee for this.
Any answers? 

Thursday, 17 November 2011

GX problem #4 17.11

Dear Servicedesk,

This is series of requests that I am going to issue the weeks to come. As remarked earlier I will write one email each. It concerns problems or challenges while in GX if not stated otherwise.

Problem: Page Section’s are being inherited by subpages automatically when their content is changed. F.e. I recently created a set of pages all featuring a brandingblock at the lower left side bar using a page section. This pages have subpages that don’t have this page section inserted. If I change the image of the brandingblock in the pagesection that is only inserted in the root page, it automatically copies itself to all subpages.

Kind regards,

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Simple trick solves IE9 problems with GX

Did your IT folk put a new machine on your desk? With windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 and a host of other presents you did not ask for? And, tell me now honestly, do you since then experience any problems while working with GX? Well... then I have some good news for you. Back to the future with one button strocke is the solution!
Just start your Internet Explorer and go to the GX login page. Press F12 on your keyboard and on the bottom of the browser a small window opens.

Click on the Browser Mode pull down menu and check the Internet Explorer 7 option.
What happens is that your website is now build as if you had Windows 95 and Internet Explorer 7. Now you will say, why do I want this... its 2011 and ... Well, just try it out and experience the improvement for yourself. Sometimes beeing on top of the wave is not desirable nor any better than a few generation behind the drumbeat. Share your experience with others by commenting!

Servicedesk request: GX problem #3 16.11

This is an age old problem and I have described it in detail here. I already argued the point in front of the webbeheer meeting two weeks ago and back than in February. The GX developer forum says nothing about it. The problem is that some application do not accept the RSS feed produced and the disappearance of the agenda item from the agenda overview the day the event takes place. I suspect the error to necessitate a request for change document.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Servicedesk request GX problem #2 15.11

Problem: It was reported that the web editor account of Nicole Hulsman is not working. The problem is that her login/password do not match or that the account was suspended. She received her training in October last year and could access it in the past. Can you please check if her account is valid and reset it?

Monday, 14 November 2011

Servicedesk request: GX problem #1 14.11

Dear Servicedesk,

This is series of requests that I am going to issue the weeks to come. As remarked earlier I will write one email each. It concerns problems or challenges while in GX if not stated otherwise.

Problem: I tried to add an RSS feed using the Connectors> RSS Feed to this site. Now I cannot get the two horizontal lines off the page. I tried it in Firofox ver.4 and ver.7 and ver. 8. I also tried to use Internet Explorer 9 to fix it but with no result. How can I get rid of the two horizontal lines?

Kind regards,