Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Servicedesk request: GX problem #3 16.11

This is an age old problem and I have described it in detail here. I already argued the point in front of the webbeheer meeting two weeks ago and back than in February. The GX developer forum says nothing about it. The problem is that some application do not accept the RSS feed produced and the disappearance of the agenda item from the agenda overview the day the event takes place. I suspect the error to necessitate a request for change document.

1 comment:

  1. We discussed the issue with GX. At the moment they do noet have a solution and they cannot give a guarantee they will solve this issue in the coming months/ year 2012.

    There might be a change that they will built a new RSS feed option, but there is no guarantee from their product department that they we will do this in 2012.

    We cannot solve this problem for you. We have no workaround.
