Since everybody thinks nothing changes here at SBE. Lets look at the rest of the world. An anticipated but never the less exciting new development is googles latest announcement of its chromebook. After the desaster of "the cloud" surrounding Sony's playstation and Amazons Data Center failures its kind of a creepy thought. But a nice video it is indeed:
This week was full of guests: Vaira Vike-Freiberga (former president of Latvia) and Jaap de Hoof Scheffer (former NATO Secretary General) visited SBE and students who where interested in what they had to say. The interview I conducted with the the former president of Latvia will come soon but I must warn you because it will be the censored version only. Like its used to be done in the former russian republic of Latvia.
Besides the usual small details I had a chat with one program director who envisioned a system to pay tribute to the shift in the business of education seen today; its the shift from a supply driven to a demand driven market. The idea is a webform where intersted parties are able to get a PDF when they provide personal information. This is than used to personalize future relations and costumize messages. Particular for smaller programs (those with 20 or less participants / year) it is a good idea!
A new training for the webmanager is initiated and will take place on the 17th of may and I am busy working on the online strategy for SBE. It is in a preliminary state but I share them with those who are interested in here.
Finaly I also found someone who pays for SBE's Flickr account: A big thanks goes to this person in the department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management!
Departmental websites are not really advancing. A lack of input is the main reason. While the framework is in place and all necessary content is already migrated nothing more is happening.
One Idea that seems to be send to people who respond with an approving eye is to use Ecofont to save Printer toner. This brings us to the idea of the Green office and a website where people can submit ideas to help saving money. But who has time for this?
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