Thursday, 19 May 2011

Online Strategy and the Webcoordinator Meeting

After this week I am in the mood for ice cream. But lets start with UM's Search Engine Optimalisation guidelines. And move on to something I blogged already a while ago: Web video and UM. There are important documents for everybody at SBE interested in the video production workflow and standards there is even a powerpoint to this topic:

And since not everybody can take part in the supreme meetings of the high priests of UM's online activities here are the minutes from the last one.

My main attention was devoted to SBE's online strategy which should be finished by begining of june. Everybody interested in it can see the current draft here.

Anything interesting. Yes, another department website got published this week and with some luck another one next week.

Monday, 16 May 2011

GX resets

Anybody can try this at home. Create a little mini-website for whatever is in your mind. A mini site refers simply refers to a punch of pages with one parent and some children pages. Add/ or remove a page section to the right sidebar and watch the pages. .....Magic.... Suddenly you will end up with a similar result as I did when I tried this: On every page I add/remove a page section another seemingly random page section appears in the main content area. This is also true if you change the "Design" settings on the same pages.
This is indeed a strange behaviour and not the only build in - "inconvenience".

The online strategy is also in the making and a positive reply for the iTunesU project has also arrived. Brightcover (a video distribution platform) has a native connector to iTunes and TS36 offers to setup the channel for little money.
Strategy wise there are also some new projects. A section for students, either in form of a Social Network or another online application useful for students to connect and exchange. A kind of virtual meeting place similar to the garden or the entrence for in their pockets.
A Social Media page where all links to all SM channels used within SBE are listed. That is the big return of the list!
A clear focus on using state-of-the-art on the shelve products to solve problems and be present to profit from their user flow and/or brand value.
A clear vision of a mobile, engaged and lofty audience. Focus on video content and creative commons licenses.
Away from pages to streams, but not forget the pages! The website is important and looks like a brochure. No interactive features are in place besides Emma and webforms. Many pages are dublicats or contain "strange" links (see EDUCATION section). The future are streams! Facebook and Twitter are the best ways into the minds and eyes of students and business partners alike. How to integrate students conversations and participation into the communication activities? The application process takes too long!
A clear focus on the "experience of studying" than on "authenticity of mediating" it.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

week18 - summary

 Since everybody thinks nothing changes here at SBE. Lets look at the rest of the world. An anticipated but never the less exciting new development is googles latest announcement of its chromebook. After the desaster of "the cloud" surrounding Sony's playstation and Amazons Data Center failures its kind of a creepy thought. But a nice video it is indeed:

This week was full of guests: Vaira Vike-Freiberga (former president of Latvia) and Jaap de Hoof Scheffer (former NATO Secretary General) visited SBE and students who where interested in what they had to say. The interview I conducted with the the former president of Latvia will come soon but I must warn you because it will be the censored version only. Like its used to be done in the former russian republic of Latvia.

Besides the usual small details I had a chat with one program director who envisioned a system to pay tribute to the shift in the business of education seen today; its the shift from a supply driven to a demand driven market. The idea is a webform where intersted parties are able to get a PDF when they provide personal information. This is than used to personalize future relations and costumize messages. Particular for smaller programs (those with 20 or less participants / year) it is a good idea!

A new training for the webmanager is initiated and will take place on the 17th of may and I am busy working on the online strategy for SBE. It is in a preliminary state but I share them with those who are interested in here.

Finaly I also found someone who pays for SBE's Flickr account: A big thanks goes to this person in the department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management!

Departmental websites are not really advancing. A lack of input is the main reason. While the framework is in place and all necessary content is already migrated nothing more is happening.

One Idea that seems to be send to people who respond with an approving eye is to use Ecofont to save Printer toner. This brings us to the idea of the Green office and a website where people can submit ideas to help saving money. But who has time for this?

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Do you know what you did monday?

Yes I did. I was working on the Social Media Strategy for SBE for which the deadline is coming up. Atticus knows his deadline for the SBE prezi presentation and sit-in with Apple ItunesU was captivating. Emma is back after two months of online abstinence and will be present on many more places asap. MSCM was so kind and sponsor the next two years of UMSBE Flickr action. Thaaaankkkss...

A good article about the use of SM by governmental and civic players does not help to clear up the confusion surrounding the phenomenon in question. When even the European Council starts tweeting something is happening! A recent survey concluded that more than 50% of kids under the age of 14 use facebook and that even six year old's own a smartphone with SN capabilities. The date was compiled and representative of Germany but may reflect the trend also for other post-industrial societies. The bandwagon onto which advertisers jump was Newspapers and Magazines in the sixties. With the appearance of TV and the penetrating speed whereby which 80% of the population became the screen in less than one generation (20 years) saw decline in Ad-spending for print and a rise in electronic media by the late 80s. As much as history dislikes the vaccuum so do advertisers dislike saturated markets. In the wonderful book - A history of advertising  by Stéphane Pincas and Marc Loiseau -  the authors describe the folk art form of the 20th century and end with interviews from executives of top ad agencies. Since the resurrection of the internet after its apocalypse of its "commercial excess" marks the start of what is known to be the WEB2.0 or Social Media. Both metaphors mean nothing if not seen as a continuouse transition which began with the USENET and led up to what is called now the real time web. Dave Winer's - the inventor of RSS - informed opinion gives ample evidence that this is a more sane attempt to stire to clearer waters in mids of this REVOLUTION. However, the term web2.0 or social media are fabrications of prominent actors in the field of ICT and the publishing world. After all, it was Bill O'Reilly Media enterprise which announced that the dead of the web is nowhere near . Since than the web has outgrown even the potential attributed to it by early cyberspace apologetics..... So... its over... next time more bullshit 2.0

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


According to Buttons@Budies the university looses 30% of their international applicants because of the speed in which their applications get processed. Google Analytic code snipets are wrong or do not exist at all in some pages of SBE's homepage. ACO switched to Windows7 effecting some software currently running on the server. The photostock system, deep-links in the SBE's intranet among others are effected. New mini-website is under construction and the websites for the student associations are taken care by a future new media entrepreneur. I investigated the possibility to automatically add slide numbers on the SBE masterslide and succeeded. The next department website MSCM is launching soon and the iframe issue is resolved. The dissapearance of Emma (two months ago) got noticed last week and put back on.line. The proposed press-pack for the ICC@M website will most likely not happen as will nobody cover the event live. Koks send videos from a conference including interviews with some faculty members - "right on" youtube. Unpublished (O_Concept) pages in GX where indexed by google and therefor permanently deleted (EDR - department website).

Setting up a community in an attempt to cut costs cannot cut deep enough. Silence is the enemy of moderated quibbling and like those blind men who pontificate about picasso's paintings fear most what they know least. Like a desperate situation where even simple contact appears wondrous, the difference between the idea and the thing is not a matter of techné but imagination. And a higher discount for Apple product (from 6/8% to 10/12%) was all the guy could offer at one of the few "forward grasping" meetings I am priviledged to attend. And a solution has been envisiond for 1/8 of the prices asked by the "prefered supplier" for one of the biggest webprojects UM has ever seen. But compared to poetry, all that does not matter. And for the sake of this post I share this poem with you :)