Tuesday 18 October 2011

Stanford Experiment: First session over and homework done

If one thing is certain then it is some peoples dedication. Here is a good example of how the attempt to open up a rather dry theme to fresh minds. The system runs smoothly without any problems. I finished the second unit in less than an hour including the homework. It was far less extensive than I expected and consisted of six video quizzes where I could choose between different options and filled out some numbers. The multiple choice questions where easier than the ones who's answer dependes on counting the path an agent takes through a space space.
The interactive nature is inviting and the authentic style of the videos might seem unprofessional but invite more participation than polished high definition productions seen at Crossknowledge. The audio quality is good and of crucial importance. What is annoying is the mono channel which bursts into my left ear while my right one is still bombarded by the sounds of the cave iam sitting in. The video quality is good and sufficient for this type of content. The best of all are the corrections posted below the videos which close the gap traditionally very wide between students and teachers. Pointing out misstakes rather than hidding them away is certainly the best if you create an "open" education model as did Sebastian and Peter.
A short side note shall be allowed here. I stumbled over the khanacademy.org forgeting that his founder was also on TED a while ago here:

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