Wednesday, 10 August 2011

One year anniversary

When the Arab spring was still in its Dornroeschen sleep and Julian Assange was playing hide and seek with the CIA I started to work at the School of Business of Economics. One year ago on that very day did I became web content manager for an institute with 500 employees and roughly 3000 customers served at one time (pre experienced and post experienced together). A couple of months later did I successfully begged for enough money to hire an assistant for eight hours a week. Together we are responsible for the further development of SBE's main website and all related web projects.

This sounds like a great adventure. What did we accomplish? So far not much one might say from the outset. But given the fact that the school possesses no in house-knowledge, no inventory of existing online activities, no strategy nor vision on where to go with all the new memes we did not do such a bad job. The first tenets of an online communication strategy are out there. All major structural units are integrated in the new CMS or indistinguishable from it. New online projects are in the middle of the development - among it a exclusive social network for enrolled students and an online magazine for students and staff. Social Media is integrated and used to promote the schools branding targets and looks in comparison with its major competitors not that bad as many people may want to believe.

What did we learn? It's all about money. One 0.8fte + 0.1fte for entire website and service is a slightly crazy undertaking. But be it...

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