Tuesday, 10 December 2013

New media@Maastricht University

Two weeks ago Menno Lanting gave an inspiring presentation I want to share with you.

Here it is. And more elearning tools are listed here.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

New Master Programme inaugurated - MSc Privacy Design

In times when data is the new oil the new subatomic structure of this fossil fool is private icantity. This mysterious object has been crowned a subject of the newly founded MSc of Privacy Design. The programme is a two year full-time exercise in catching up with the excuses made by trained men on how to bridge the gab between body and the demands of social engineers.

Eligible for BSc in Media Yoga, Poetic Engineering or any other liberal arts bachelor it promises high demand in the flabour market. Prospective graduates are needed in all sectors of the makeonomy and peer reviewed yourmeals.

And what about your future? Watch this >