Monday, 17 June 2013

Maastricht University shows it has not forgotten its marketing lessons


Maastricht University shows it has not forgotten its marketing lessons:
1)      Use bright colours
2)      Use children
3)      Use royalty

Today Maastricht Mayor Onno Hoes made sure that the brand new King and Queen of the Netherlands had a nice
souvenir of their flash visit of our city to take home to their three little girls (not in the picture by the way). Hopefully
the UM sweaters will inspire the tiny Royals to sign up for a study at UM when the time comes!

Minerva - The owl that circles MOCCS


Simply stated, The Minerva Project is a non-profit Ivy League-style university created and designed especially for America’s most talented students. It isn’t even open yet; it’s planning a 2015 launch.

The Minerva Project uses an online curriculum, but also offers a slightly different twist from a college that’s exclusively online. Minerva Project will mix online learning with offline living in physical dorms; not just in the United States, but across the globe. Theoretically, students will get the best elements of America’s current higher education system — customized online learning at their own convenience, classes led by talented PhD teachers, and the opportunity to experience many of the social benefits of a physical university.
More specifically, the idea is to rotate students through six different countries during their 4 years of college. Dormitories will be in major cities, such as Paris, Beijing, and Sao Paulo. Each online class will consist of no more than 25 students.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

UM website 2.0 launched

Some of you might have noticed that the UM website has changed considerably. At 12:30 GMT on June 5 the upgraded* website of Maastricht University went online after a four day "Dornroeschenschlaf".

Please have a look at your parts and let me know if you encounter any major drawbacks. I updated all web-parts of SBE to the new look & feel but might have been blind on one eye. For all who work with the website you can now login as before. The website is back and you can start working as usual.

The major improvement from a technical point is the responsive nature (to put simple: they site-layout fits itself to the device you use to look at the website. Together with the upgrade I implemented the new "fused" IB master (Information management and business intelligence) and the changes discussed with Meredith. I set all course descriptions to 2013/2014 and made sure that the ALUMNI as well as IRO websites shine a bit more than they already did. The research institute (GSBE) also got a little makeover.

Tomorrow we will be back with the personal profiles top 100.