Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The end of a trend - Harlem Shake arrives at SBE

Robots tried to prevent the filming of current Internet craze the “Harlem Shake” at a business school on Wednesday, but were driven off after coming to blows with students, a PBL correspondent said.

When the dozen or so ultra-conservative lecturer grazed evangelists, some of them man in veils, showed up at the school, a robot bastion, students among them Andre Preneur shouted “Get out, get out!”


HS video @ SBE

Sharing Success Online Community Report 2012/2013

Sharing Success is a social platform that is meant to give first year Bachelor students the opportunity to mingle online even before coming to Maastricht in order to increase the chance of them choosing for the SBE, if they have not decided yet.

Download Report

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

What Most Schools Don't Teach

Enrollment rates in programming classes are low, but what is worse is that schools aren’t even teaching it, even though this is the fastest growing segment of jobs in the country,” Hadi Partovi co-founder of said, adding that nine out of ten U.S. schools don’t offer computer programming classes at all — and those that do often treat it as an elective that doesn’t count toward graduation, the same as, say woodworking.


Monday, 25 February 2013

Youtube content goes Pro

 YouTube has built an epic production facility in Los Angeles for creators, but it’s the Residency program which helps established YouTubers reach a new level with their content.


Thursday, 21 February 2013

SBE website hacked by harlem style cyber criminals

 SBE's website was this morning target of a harlem shake cyber attack.  This video was submitted by a user of what happened with the School of Business and Economics website. The information got spread immediately using My TalkinBusiness. The online platform for students and employees. Check it out and stay up to date with trends and information that matters for you!

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Amsterdam University MOOC Platform

Amsterdam University starts with FOR ALL and FOR FREE.

Click to the Portal

Harlem Style Reload

Maastricht University Library Harlem Style re(up)load.

Due to concerns of the security company the video appeared only for a brief moment online. Enough time to be featured in a compilation and this reload.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Thursday, 7 February 2013

SBE is building a lecture recording studio - Faculty of Love Extended

Two days before the spring welcome feast, where the high priests of carnival are just comic reminiscences of Napoleons rule of the low lands, there is news from the video production front. As reported elsewhere on this blog SBE is seriously challenging all those who believe in lecture recording as being the NBT. (Acronym for Next big Thing)

ACO is together with Media Service Maastricht building a recording studio at TS53. It is not a TV studio but a facility with the Media-site recording system installed to allow  video conferencing and lecture recording. No additional person is hired to assist the recording procedure.

By the way, SBE is also participating in Maarten's project: FACULTY OF LOVE. Be prepared. And may prince carnival's cloths be as expensive as the extravaganzas of this new studio.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

My TalkinBusiness > EleUM edition online

The EleUM edition is the right thing at the right time. It has everything you need, where you need it and works great. So, when you ask me what I think about it i can only wonder how I managed to get the information before it existed" <Gregor S.>

Friday, 1 February 2013

MOOC's gain momentum

In 2013, MOOCs will continue to confront many barriers. However, they will also mature from an irrational exuberance to a more viable and credible alternative for earning academic credits.  
Article from Universityworldnews