Friday, 22 June 2012

GX trainings & Inloopsessies

De Basistrainingen GX zullen plaatsvinden op de volgende data:

  • Dinsdag 11 september 2012
    9.00 - 13.00 uur
    Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 2.009 (tweede etage)
  • Donderdag 11 oktober 2012
    9.00 - 13.00 uur
    Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 2.009 (tweede etage)
  • Donderdag 15 november 2012
    9.00 - 13.00 uur
    Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 2.009 (tweede etage)
  • Dinsdag 4 december 2012 9.00 - 13.00 uur
    Locatie: Computerruimte UB Binnenstad, ruimte 2.009 (tweede etage)

Inloopsessies GX Webmanager door FB

Regelmatig merken we dat er behoefte is aan kennisverdieping en extra informatie over specifieke functionaliteit in GX WebManager.
Om aan die behoefte tegemoet te komen willen weorganiseren we inloopsessies.

De inloopsessie zien er als volgt uit:

van 9.00 – 10.00 uur geven we een korte presentatie over een van tevoren vastgesteld en bekendgemaakt onderwerp, waarbij uiteraard ook gelegenheid is om vragen te stellen,

van 10.30 -12.00 uur is “vrije inloop”, met de mogelijkheid om specifieke of algemene vragen over GX WebManager te stellen.

Onderwerpen die aan de orde kunnen komen tijdens de presentaties zijn:
inzetten, gebruik van- en de verschillende soorten inzetten, mediabanklijsten en/of mediabankoverzichten, overerving en templates, pagecollections.

Natuurlijk horen we graag welke andere onderwerpen jullie behandeld zouden willen zien.

De volgende inloopdagen zijn gepland:

27 mrt 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van inzetten en de verschillende soorten inzetten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop
19 april 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van mediabanklijsten en/of mediabankoverzichten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop
10 mei 9.00-10.00 Hands on sessie: agenda en nieuws op inzet
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop

19 juni 9.00-12.00 Vrije inloop

25 september 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van mediabankartikelen in mediabanklijsten en overzichten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop

20 november 9.00-10.00 Presentatie: Het gebruik van inzetten
10.30-12.00 Vrije inloop

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

TIME TO FREAK OUT… FRANK’S BACK! And so are the personal profiles

For all the Zappa fan's in the world here is the good news: He's back home!
For all those who are not convinced that he is the greatest artist of this age I have bad news. Its true! No excuse for my long absence since you my dear reader are the only one following my lines of thought. The bigger project's in the past couple of weeks are those already discussed in older posts. Personal Profile page activation (PPPA), Talkinbusiness and of course the iTunesU project.

The PPPA is doing good. In fact its the first project that was put on the table over 1.5 years ago when I started. And since some weeks its there! So I started my communication campaign two weeks on a lonely afternoon placing little Banners and a Brandingblock onto the website.

The banner lead people to a Wufoo Form where they can fill in basic information and activate their account. I also created a flyer which Konstantin already distributed to all pidgin holes, coffee machines and meeting spots at the school. In the internal newsletter "sbe weekly" a short paragraph mentioning in dry prose the existence of the project, its aim and the next steps. All secretaries of all departments where informed to send out a predefined message to all members that made them aware that they need to activate their profiles.

The existing workflow is as follows: 1. A person fills out the web form and receives an automatic confirmation message. 2. The information is copy&pasted into the PersonalProfilePageSysteminGX (PPPSGX). 3. In PPSGX the profile is activated. 4. The person receives a personalized message that his/her profile is activated including a manual on how to go about editing his profile
What is now added after the passive awareness campaign effect looses momentum is the start of the active campaign. People who did not activate their profiles until now will be called and asked if they are so kind to fill out the information. If the person is unavailable by phone he/she will be visited by a student assistant with a paper version of the form and a USB stick. After having filled out and signed the assistant activates the form manually following the described process in Phase I.

The HR department is involved in the process. A meeting is scheduled for next week. By this moment I hope to have half the profiles activated. What exactly the role of HR is will be determined in this meeting.
The plan to embed the profiles on the public website is not urgent. Currently SBE's website features all the information already as media repository items. But once a department is complete (all members have activated profiles that contain the necessary information) they will be replaced by the new profiles.


Solution: Don't use IE

PROBLEM: How can I access my profile once I have logged into MY UM?

PROBLEM: "I don't have a Nickname and don't want anybody to think I have one"

Solution: Fixed within 74hours

PROBLEM: "How can I add my department/faculty?"
Solution: ask your friendly web content coordinator

Monday, 4 June 2012

iTunesU Project Update

Almost a year ago, in May 2011, the first meeting took place with Atticus, Martin, a representative from Apple and me. Musing over what has to happen and how long it will take to get it started finally ended. I spare here the what? why? who? when? where? of iTunesU and move quickly to the results. Konstantin spend hours on digging out what the mediasite sytem from SonicFoundry had in stock at SBE.

Now all the assets are organized and the inventory list is available in form of a mediasite folder and an excel sheet.