Monday, 26 March 2012

Cluster Training 27 of March

Tomorrow we have a cluster training meeting. I was asked to prepare a short presentation about my work. So here it is:

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Do you know our Newsletter?

The Talkin' Business Newsletter is going to be released soon. It will come in two flavors: as an online magazine and as a newsletter.  The upcoming issue is about sustainable investing, ethical leadership and durable entrepreneurship' might be a suitable topic. In order to inform our Business Partners what we do I need a list of contacts send to me (webc-sbe@....) in the coming days. So if you have such a list for your institute or department please let me know. I will not miss-use the information. I would not even know how to. The plan is to send an invitation to all our contacts to sign up for the newsletter. After a second reminder is send the newsletter will be delivered to those who signed up for it. The online version of the Newsletter is a magazine that will go online in the coming days (or two weeks.. since I am on holiday next week). If you have any questions regarding this project let me know too!