Thursday, 31 March 2011

GX - How to make FHML's Quick Links in GX

Blogs replace Email - Private transcends Public - And if not for the sound sex of it. This element: Quick links

Looks in GX like this:

The easieset way to do this is you go in the menu to INSERT>LIST
You place the element underneath the two SEPARATORS you need to divide the Content area up
You set the Presnentation to Brandingblock
You give it a Title
And than you Add the text and create links to the destinantions


Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Third department website launch

After Accounting and Information Management and Economics its time for the department of Finance to scream "Hello World". This websites are not so much intended to attract potential students as they are to attract business and academia. There where little suprises along the 303 document with the exception of the timing. Personally I expected to finish the department websites in December. Now, end of march, I must admitt that I was to confident. The daily duties consume more time and unforseen requests take up the rest.

The last two departments are in the pipe and should be online by the end of april. Once this is out of the way the two institutes ROA and UNU-MERIT recieve more attention. As does the Online Media Strategy currently under way together with Veerle, Heiner and Atticus. The upcoming webmanager training is smooth and fun. Another job that is on the way are websites for the students associations affiliated with SBE.

Besides changes in the Admission pages of all Master programs I have also changed the Research Master's one level lower than before. This caused some emails over competencies and resulted in nothing but warm air. The ICC@M - International Case Competition in Maastricht - got also their own website but sticked to the colour scheme of UM. And ACO prepared a server for future websites hosted @SBE.

And I finaly found the problem for which the Iphone is the solution: The Uroboros

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Google Cloude Connect and arrival

Coming back from a 10 day carnival retreat is looking at Milton's Paradise Lost with a deep yearning for unconditional irony in everyday life. The number of emails in my inbox exceeded by three times the number of holiday days granted by SBE. SBE's facebook page has now an amazing Welcome tap (Big big thanks to Veerle) and is eagerly waiting for a new profile picture because change is everywhere. Nobody worked on the department websites and I still had no time to look at Testserver 18 which is going to host some applications and websites in the future.

Some highlights are the google analytics report which stats that increasingly mobile browers skim SBE's website for relevant information. There is no suprise about the speed by which Firefox caught up against IE in the last two years but it is always good to get the confirmation in pure data. Well, and who is the winner of "what pages are view the most"? No, no no....This is all confindential. But judging from the numbers of visitors I can see what programs do struggle to attract the attention of the young, flexible knowledge worker of the future and what not. The winner is......Management of Sorry, just a joke. But its in the top 15 programs. No, the looser is also not Fiscale Economie, altough its popularity ranks among the last 15 programms. Interesting is maybe the fact that the FAQ's got more hits than roughly 70% of the Master programs in the past month. Our visitors come mainly from google, direct or via facebook from the typical countries; Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg. But do not forget the long tail: Every country and non-country has at least a look on SBE's website.

In the news there was much buzz about Gozilla attacking Japan and the "allies" a "brutal dictator". And Julien Assange is beeing sold on Tshirts, Mugs, and is propably as popular as Disney. Like fast fashion for fast consumers so is this whole kaleidoscope of news and not-news more distracting than consolidating in its effect. So unlike google cloud connect which is a new app that allows one to use Winword as editor of Google Documents. Its pretty need and works stable. But the biggest advantage is that Google.Docs got an update and runs better than ever with some bug fixed and more to come.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Did you know...

..that "Beauty produces substantial effects on wages, with people in the top third of looks earning 8 to 15 percent more than otherwise identical people in the bottom one-sixth of looks; and the effects are bigger for men than for women, although women’s beauty matters much more in the dating and marriage markets.  This apparent discrimination results from customers’ preferences for dealing with better-looking people. It pervades a large number of rich economies and is observed in a wide variety of occupations, from attorneys to politicians to prostitutes."?
And what comes after Nuclear:

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Carnival 2011

Have fun everybody! My assistant takes over for the next two weeks. Welcome him and don't miss me too much. I will not be gone forever...